Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What kind of glasses???

I'm a huge fan of U2.  Their song Bad is one of my all time favorites.  But I am not such a fan of one of their more radio popular hits, New Years Day (I'm probably using italics incorrectly but you'll get over it.)  
The reason I don't like that song is because of their lyric stating that "Nothing changes on New Years Day."  

If I were to make New Years resolutions they would be:
To do my best every day to be a better person and to do whatever I could to make the world a better place.
Typing that I actually rolled my eyes and thought how it sounded like an answer a contestant in the Miss America Pageant would give when asked her goals.  But I really do mean it.  There is enough crap in this world.  So many things I see frustrate me beyond words.  Unfortunately, in viewing many of my previous Facebook posts, I've come to realize that I complain A LOT but do little to actually make things better.  Perhaps it's the nature of social media, but I'm not alone in this tendency.  I remember when I was a kid my mom used to tell me "If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything."  Those were pretty good words; I think I'll start trying to live that way.  
If we view everything through poop-smeared glasses everything we see is going to look like crap. (Woah, deep thought Jimmy!)  
I want to have a better outlook!  Personally, I don't think that's possible.  At least not without help.  Fortunately there is help available.  Lamentations 3:22-23 (It's in the Bible) says: 
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 
More great words to live by.  

I apologize for the fact that this edition has gone in about 50 different directions with a lot of shiny distractions, but I hope that if you've stuck with it you got something of value.  
I'd love to read your thoughts or even about your resolutions if you made any. 

1 comment:

  1. Shiny object, shiny object!

    No worries, distraction is just a sign of a creative mind - or at least, this is what I tell myself! But seriously, these are good thoughts. We should try to make things change for the better, whether on New Years or otherwise. That's a great goal. I think for 2013, my goal is similar to yours. Speak ill of none - not just externally, but in my head too. Big task to set myself, but hopefully one I'll get better at doing.
