Not to name-drop, but I was pretty stoked that one of my favorite authors, Donald Miller, tweeted back to my response to his tweet. Unfortunately I am terrible at presenting a clear and intelligent point within the limitations of 140 characters. But that's not my point.
Yesterday was Easter Sunday. Easter is the most important day in Christian faith. I love everything about the day, the hope, the renewal of life, the time with my church family, and how gorgeous my wife looks in her Easter finest.
But this year was different. I don't know if it's just because I am more aware or if the world really has taken a sharp turn. This year, amid all of the wonderful aspects of the day, I found my heart breaking. This year I couldn't help but notice all of my unchurched friends, and even some that have been brought up in church, posting things on various forms of social media that I found to be offensive. I found the "Zombie Jesus" jokes and cartoons in particularly disturbing. Considering the current zombie trend in television and movies, this is not okay. Zombies are portrayed as mindless, soulless beasts bent on feasting on the flesh of the living. As Christians, calling Jesus a zombie should piss us off! (Yes, I typed a slightly offensive word and ended a sentence in a preposition. That should be some illustration of how angered this makes me.)
Why is it that if someone speaks against other religions they are considered hateful and intolerant, but Christianity is fair game? Not long ago I saw a picture someone had posted where Jesus and Santa Claus were riding a dinosaur while UFO's were shooting from the sky. I told the person I found it offensive and they basically called me a whiner. Yet when word got out a while back that there was to be an episode of the cartoon South Park featuring Muhammad, they creators of the show received death threats and were protested. Why the double standard?
I understand that the Bible warned us this would happen.
1 Corinthians tells us:
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
For the most part, I kept silent on the offensive posts, but I did call out one friend and he totally didn't get it.
I would really like to hear your opinions on this. First, have you seen the things I've mentioned or similar? If so, how did you respond? If not, how would you respond?
I really want to turn the other cheek, but dang, they both are getting pretty tired!
By the way, Donald Miller said he appreciated my passion! That's pretty cool (and a polite way of saying he completely disagrees.)