It sounds so simple.
But I think I may have finally figured out the answer to one of life’s big questions.
When I was a kid, Bob Thomas, the field goal kicker of the Chicago Bears came to our church to speak to the men and boys. After he finished speaking everyone was given the chance to come forward and get his autograph. When it was my turn he asked, “How would you like me to make this out?” I told him my name and asked if he wanted my autograph. “Why?” he asked. “Because I’m going to be famous some day” I answered.
The weird thing is that for the longest time I had absolutely no clue as to what it was I wanted to be when I “grow up.” I had marginal success in carpentry. I was pretty decent on the saxophone and bass and sang harmony with the best of them. But while I enjoyed these things, I was never really fulfilled. Once, my birthmother’s husband asked me if I wanted him to teach me guitar. I grabbed the guitar and played a couple cords and handed it back saying, “Nah, I don’t have enough love for it to commit to becoming excellent. And the world is full of mediocre guitar players.”
I guess that’s how I’ve felt about a lot of areas in my life. I did a lot of things, but never really had the drive to become more than okay. To say this has lead to years of frustration and disappointment is an understatement. So recently I have given a lot of thought to what it is that I was created to do with my life. I figure if I pursue the things that I love, everything else in life will make more sense.
The interesting thing is that the two things I love the most have been there for quite some time. But recently I have had a drive to pursue those things with every fiber of my being. They are not just things that I do but who I am! And herein lies the answer to the big question of “Who am I?”
When I was a kid, my parents gave me “The Way,” a (at the time) modern version of the Bible. There was a bookmark in it which was in the book of James. The first line of James 1:1 was underlined. It read “James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
I have thought about that verse often and have been asking myself, and God, what that means. For me, it seems to mean not just figuring out what it is that I love in life, but doing that for God. So what do I love? My wife! God has given me the perfect partner in my wife. My #1 job is to be the best husband I can possibly be. God has called (us) two to become one. We often refer to our spouse as “The other half.” But I want our DNA to so be interwoven that losing her would be losing me.
The second thing that I love is sharing God’s word. No job or activity I have ever done has come close to the feeling I have had when I speak the words that God has called me to speak. There is really no way to adequately describe it. It has become like a fire in my heart. It is something I need to do. There is nothing else that satisfies.
Does this mean that I’m going to quit my job tomorrow and start shopping around for churches? No, that wouldn’t be realistic. I know that I still have a way to go before that happens. But in the mean time, I will pursue preparedness with passion and persistence (whoa, that’s a lot of p’s!)
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.- Colossians 3:23
To you, the reader and fellow traveler in this life we share, I say this: “Find that which you love and figure out how to do that for Jesus.”
I would love to read your thoughts and observations on what this means in your life. Please feel free to dream and share!