In the past week or so I've been going through some "stuff."
I shared a little bit through Facebook, phone calls, and some texts. My goal was not in search of sympathy, but rather a call for those willing to rally with me in prayer (especially over the financial burden attached with the situation.) And yes, I'll admit, I was hoping for a bit of encouragement in the midst of what my mind perceived to be a bleak outlook.
It's been an eye-opening experience. I have come to realize that there are 3 main categories of people in these situations.
1) Those who do/say nothing
2) Those who show compassion
3) Those who feel obligated to inform me that I brought the consequences upon myself.
I'm pretty much okay with the first category. I can understand that, at times, the correct words can be difficult to find. I like to give those people the benefit of the doubt. I don't know what they might be dealing with in their own lives. It's a much more freeing attitude than assuming they don't care.
The second group of people are wonderful! I can't even begin to tell you how blessed I have been by those who have sent encouraging words. I even received some great words from Scripture as encouragement. And to know that there are those that will love me and stand with me no matter what the situation has been amazing. I even appreciated those who replied with humor to help me laugh and remember to be joyful in even this time.
Then there are the others whom I have mentioned.
What in the heck are they thinking?
I (almost) get it when the dentist told me "Well you did it to yourself!" But I would have thought that as he saw my tear-filled eyes that he would have attempted to soften the blow. But what about those I love and was looking for a shred of hope? Don't they realize that everything they have said I have already told myself countless times? I KNOW I messed up in not taking better care of myself. I can't help but wonder if they actually think they are helping.
Why do I tell you all of this?
It's because it has caused me to think... A lot.
The other day my wife and I were walking the dog and we had a conversation. Here are some of the things that were weighing on my mind (I'll try to share them in a more organized manner than they way they are in my head):
I think that those 3 categories apply to the way that some believers look at the world and those who do not know Jesus. And if I'm to be totally honest, I've spent seasons in all 3 of these.
Some choose to ignore their need for reconciliation. They may say things like "It's not my job" or "I just don't feel comfortable sharing or being 'confrontational.'"
To them I ask, "What if everyone in that person's life has that same attitude?"
I used to be one of those in this category. But after a friend/coworker's suicide I realized that had I spoken up and shared Christ, he might have known where to turn when things looked as if there were no reason to go on.
I'm going to skip ahead to category 3 here...
It's sad to say, but I have seen (and even been) people with the attitude of "Well you did it to yourself." I've made decisions based upon my own preconceived notions or feelings. It's difficult to put aside the hurt that someone may have caused us or others and come to the realization that perhaps their actions and attitudes were actually driven by the fact that they have never met the Truth.
In my conversation with my wife I said something similar to, "If a person smokes their whole life they may get cancer. Cancer is a consequence of their harmful behavior. That doesn't mean that they deserve the disease. There is a difference between the two." (Yeah, I was pretty impressed that such a deep thought came out of me too.)
The Bible says that "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
That speaks to me! There are results, or consequences for our rebellion against God. But He loved us enough to make a way for us to be reconciled. If it's good enough for Him it sure the heck better be good enough for me!
I want to always be one who falls into the category of "compassionate."
I never want to be so far removed that I am not able to feel or see the need of others to be made right with the Lord.
The tattoo on my right shoulder is of two feet. Inside one it says "God" and "reigns" in the other. It is there to remind me of the Scripture which reads:
For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
- Romans 10:13-15
It is my desire to live my life in such a manner. I encourage you to to the same. Let's have some "beautiful feet!"
God bless y'all!
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