In the past couple of years I've noticed a trend on the internet and social networks.
People almost seem to feel it is their duty to take that which they don't like and rip it to shreds.
If you like country music you're stupid. The opinions of Christians shouldn't count because they believe in a fantasy. If you don't like the _________ (insert sports team name) you're an idiot.- are among the many disparaging things I've read in recent days. And it's not enough to just say we don't like something; everything SUCKS! And there is always going to be someone with a different opinion which usually leads to an argument. These arguments would be fine if they were an intellectual discourse. But they often end up becoming ugly. Often, there is name calling, belittling and insults involved. I've seen this happen between supposed friends and even fellow Christians. If I'm going to be honest I have to admit that in the past I have allowed myself to fall in to the exact same trap.
I recognize that in the broad spectrum I'm a rather insignificant blip and most likely don't have the power to change the climate of the entire internet. But perhaps I can make an impact on my small sphere of influence. Here's the attitude I've chosen to (attempt) to adopt.
Respect- We are all entitled to our opinions, no matter how wrong they may be. That includes the ones that differ from ours; even the opinions/attitudes which I'm addressing in this post.
Tame the Tongue- James 3:9-12 says:
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.
I'm making a bit of an assumption, but I'm guessing that "tongue" can apply to the fingers that type the words we put out there as well.
Proof- It's easy for me to say that I am a good person, or even a follower of Christ. But when there is evidence online that calls my claims in to question I'm doing a disservice to not only myself, but to the Lord in which I claim to serve.
Don't be a Cockroach- I used to be friends with a co-worker. One day she stopped talking to or hanging out with me. At first I thought maybe she was just dealing with some personal issues so I gave her space. Eventually I asked her if I had done something to upset her. She told me that my attitude was dragging her down and that she needed to distance herself from such negativity. She went on to share the cockroach analogy. Here's my attempt to recreate what she shared:
If you put a bunch of cockroaches in a bucket they will, at some point, realize it sucks being in a bucket and want out. They will try to climb the walls of the bucket. Others will see that their efforts are unsuccessful and climb over the backs of the ones trying to get out. And yet others will grab hold of the ones that have gotten closer to freedom and ultimately drag them back down.
That kicked my butt! I can't help but remember that imagery (almost) every time I get ready to say or type something negative.
I don't have a super slick conclusion to this blog entry. I guess my goal was to share what has been on my heart lately and hopefully cause others to think.
If you've made it to this point in the post I'd like to encourage you to think about the words you say and type too. And to let love rule.
As always, the comment section is open. I hope you don't use it to tell me how much this sucks ;)
God bless you all!
Until next week, PEACE!
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