Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's All in the Attitude

A couple of months ago Ben from work was settling in the cubicle next to mine to begin his day.  I wasn't on a call so I rolled back my chair and said "Good morning."  "Ready for another shitty day?" Ben replied.  I answered  "I don't know how you can expect anything else with that kind of an attitude."

I've been thinking about that exchange and asking myself what kind of attitude I have going in to situations ever since.  And then I was talking with my mom as we were planning Christmas dinner.  "Well if you're making all of these plans I sure hope you won't be grumpy like you sometimes are when have a big get-together."

OUCH!  Talk about a reality check.

But I thought a lot about it.  Instead of approaching the time wondering what I could get out of the situation I went with the attitude of creating a way to make great memories for the people with whom I would be spending time.  And when the first thing my mom said was "Cheryl, did you pick up a bum on the side of the road on the way here?" in reference to my long scruffy beard and torn jeans with flannel pajama pants underneath I exclaimed "Oh it's so good to be home to receive such positive reinforcement and unconditional love!" and threw my arms around her to give a warm embrace.  She had no choice but to laugh and pretty much melt.  In retrospect, had my response been a smart-mouthed comeback/put-down I could have messed up the whole week.

Later in the week there was another instance where someone tried to stir up some trouble with someone and Cheryl and I put a quick stop to that.  I said "It's Christmas so I'm not thinking about anything less than tidings of comfort and joy" and that put an end to it.

So that's what I learned over Christmas vacation, to worry less about being blessed and more about being a blessing.

I'd love to read about your Christmas in the comment section!

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