Monday, March 31, 2014

Makes Scents

I love coffee shops!
I especially love the small independent shops; the ones where the machines are, at times, too loud to hear my conversations.  This morning I was in one such shop.  
I met with a couple men from church for a coffee, Bible study, and prayer.  It was a fantastic time and I highly recommend any dudes that are free on Monday mornings to join us.  I left spiritually refreshed and energized.  And I left smelling of freshly roasted coffee.
I love that smell!  As soon as I got in the car I noticed how strong the scent.  It got me to thinking. 
I was reminded of how many of us go to church on Sunday to get our weekly pick-me-up.  A lot of times we leave ready to conquer the world.  But sadly, like the scent of freshly roasted coffee, our drive to influence the world for Jesus often fades after a day or two.  
Church is great!  Please don't read otherwise.  I love gathering as the body of Christ.  But when we seek God, devote time to reading of the Word and prayer daily, the scent of God's presence stays with us.
How great would that be?
How cool would it be if in the same way you could tell that someone had spent an hour and a half in a coffee shop people could smell, hear, see Jesus on us all day every day?
For the past eight months or so I have made the effort to devote time for a personal quiet time.  That phrase used to intimidate me.  My brain told me that if I didn't have an amazing, supra natural experience where I spent hours in the Bible and angels sang to me, that I had failed.  But then I started reading a chapter or so each day and spending a couple minutes talking/listening to God.  Now, just as I crave that first cup of coffee in the morning, I crave my time with God.
I believe I carry His scent throughout the day.
And I don't ever want it to fade! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Jimmy: The Spoiled Brat

I was blessed as a child.  Not just because I was in a loving environment, but also because (not saying this to brag,) we were also pretty well off financially.  If my mom and dad ever struggled to pay the bills or put food on the table I was never aware.  At Christmastime in our home the stack of presents spilled out from the tree and occupied half of the family room.  I got pretty much anything I requested as gifts.  I was not very accustomed to the word "No."

Why do I tell you this?  Because I still struggle with receiving "No" with grace.  Last year, when my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer I asked God to take it away and give him more time.  It was an honest request.  My dad was the most selfless, caring, kindest man I have ever known.  Why should he have to suffer?  But he still died.  And I learned something... In the midst of our sorrow God was still there.  I didn't rebel.  I didn't say "God's not listening so I'm not going to waste my time talking."  I kept attending church.  I kept surrounding myself with the family of believers.  Our lead pastor, Thomas, prayed with me and shared words that gave me great comfort.   I'm paraphrasing because this is the way I remember them speaking to me:
Jesus taught us to pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  In Heaven there is no sickness, no suffering, no pain.  Your dad my not have been healed in the way we would have liked, but he is in Heaven.  He IS healed.  He is with Jesus.

Fast forward to February.
Thomas preached on the portion of the book of Mark 5, and the story of a woman who has been suffering with a bleeding issue for many years.  The woman had tried everything.  She had exhausted her finances seeking a cure.  Finally, she heard about Jesus. And she heard that He would be in the area so she sought him.  Mark tells us that the woman told herself "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.  So she reached out and touched his robe and immediately the bleeding stopped and she was healed.  It's a great story and if you haven't read it, check it out Here.
After the message, we had a chance to pray for one another.  I prayed with/for some of the members and it was great.  But during the closing song I felt a burning in my eyes and my heart started beating rapidly.  I have been struggling with eyesight that has been rapidly degenerating.  I rarely drive at night because of it and am scared that I may have to give up driving all together one day.  That coupled with the fact that I can't afford insurance to get the treatment I should probably be receiving all came to a head in that moment.  So I asked Thomas if we could pray specifically, as a body, for the healing of my eyes.  When the song ended we did just that.  I was a wreck!  I even cried.  I know that the God who made me is capable of giving me perfect vision.  I have participated prayer time when people have been healed.  This time, when we were done, my friend Erik asked "Do you see a notable change?"  Sadly I had to tell him and the church that I did not.

So what does that mean?  Has God stopped listening to me?  Does he hate me?  Is he trying to tell me that he doesn't care?
Those are the lies of the enemy!  I still believe, and will continue to ask for healing.  But God isn't Santa Claus.  He is the Lord of my life.  And he is far more wise than I.  So i will continue to follow him.  I will press in against the storm.  And the results may not ever end up being to my liking.  But my life is not mine.  I have given it over to God.  All I can do is live for him to the best of my ability.
Maybe there is hope that I'll stop being a spoiled brat yet.